Yesterday was the last poetry nite for this year i.e. Kwani Open Mic that happens every first Tuesday of every month at Club Soundd. I am quite impressed with the way the literary street is growing in Kenya because i am a fan of literature and the written word. I however feel nothing for visual (that's why i watch my movies with sub-titles) yes i just got busted! Live with it. I would much rather read than listen and watch. The greatest movies i like are those with written creativity not necessarily the action. A movie/series maybe badly acted but well written, i will still love it.Take for example Entourage, i do not think the actors are brilliant but the series has serious punchlines (
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Yesterday was the last poetry nite for this year i.e. Kwani Open Mic that happens every first Tuesday of every month at Club Soundd. I am quite impressed with the way the literary street is growing in Kenya because i am a fan of literature and the written word. I however feel nothing for visual (that's why i watch my movies with sub-titles) yes i just got busted! Live with it. I would much rather read than listen and watch. The greatest movies i like are those with written creativity not necessarily the action. A movie/series maybe badly acted but well written, i will still love it.Take for example Entourage, i do not think the actors are brilliant but the series has serious punchlines (
Monday, December 01, 2008
I have just realized that i attend some events that are bloggable but i do not blog about them.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
When i lost my muse
I had lost the inspiration
For what was my passion,
They said; smoke a joint
I still didn't get the point
Said a prayer
But still didn't get there
At the Sunday salon
Where I lay forlorn
Sat with the noveau poets
Couldn't add a word to the sonnet
Then you came along
And I wrote a song
My muse was back
And only you I could thank
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
you would like to punch these people on the back of their head
Though i believe viceroy solves all gastro intestinal problems (how did i write that?), and Kafai agrees with me, i cannot stand the drunkard. Drunkards piss me off because sometimes they piss on themselves, hit on everyone jointly and severally, talk foul, make the toilet unihabitable with vomits and generally behave badly.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
only in Nairobbery
Kirinyaga Road
Cries that said spare part belongs to you is met with blank stares They could ask "Do you want the spare part or not?"
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Guest Writers
HuH, is it just me ama this year is flying. I am trying to account for all the things i should have done and really some of them are not still done.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Simple Pleasures
"We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box."
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Questions and things to love
What brings people to this blog;well thinks i do not expect like
Movies of women who like being choked??? WTF! I have no such fantasies
pornomovies with hairdressers. Honestly the things people search for.
Unexpected photos of girls with hairy armpits? Aaihh.
Olivia Otieno photo album
end of digression
"I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best."
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Is this Kenyan weather serious? Can it decide once and for all if it wants to rain, be sunny or whatevs, it is not funny walking in town then the next thing are heavy rain drops and you have no any umbrella or a jersey for that matter. Don't we all miss the days when you knew it was going to rain in April, watch Safari Rally? Aaihhh
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
These links are for those into developing writing skills or reading literature or just improving your English. After university, your English will never be the same again.
This to me is an excellent resource. Not only does it have the full texts in a readable format, it gives analysis of literature materials.
World English
You can learn all those past and present tenses you could (might) forgotten. It also has free online books. Good resource
Poem Hunter
This is a site for people who love poetry. Has a poem each day and could email one to you if you request. Excellent resource for poetry.
Another excellent resource.
Those are so far the best sites meaning without pop ups and too much advertising for online reading. If you think i am a small dog, then feel free to give me your own.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Trust Issues
There is one common trend i have realized as i do my daily professional job(s).
Kenyan men do not trust their wives with their properties the way they trust their brothers and friends. These are the common reasons given;
As soon as she realizes she will leave me.
If i bequeathe property to her then she will get married to someone else after i die.
Most: You know you cannot understand women
I seldom understand how you can share a bed with someone every day of your life (who could stab you at night, ok for y'all old enough The Burdens by John Ruganda never cease to haunt me) but not trust the same with your property. How? Life/Property???
So now i have been left wondering, why do people even get married in the first place, if they will live the rest of their lives wondering what this other person is upto. Granted some women read Akinyi of Chinedu have given us women a bad names but what are the consequences of leaving your property to your brothers/friends?
Or at even the worst of them never letting your partner not know how much property you could be having or how much you are worth?
I think it is in bad taste to leave your partner out of your life, because eventually most brothers do as they would (human as they are) disinherit your widow. Worst case scenario being your children being reduced to derelicts. Many people know of a story where the pops left the children living in the suburbs but had to pack to the slums.
Men in Kenya accumulate so much debt on the property they have and sometimes even the house his family is living in is on debt. When he certainly (didn't they say death is certain) dies his family is kicked out the following day. Not even the partner knows that the man owed a mountain of debts. This had direct effects on the family and on the society as a whole. We all know adjusting from the suburbs to the slums is not easy and could never be.
In my opinion, a lot is needed to be done on the property front as far as estate planning goes, Kenyans are doing badly.
Friday, July 18, 2008
who is the HEro
Most epic tales, tragedies, comedies have a hero.
In the poem/movie, Beowulf possessed courage when he speaks to Hrothgar about fighting Grendel. In those lines Beowulf says "My lord Higlac might think less of me if I let my sword go where my feet were afraid to, if I"
In the end Beowulf kills Grendel.
Romantic Novels/Disney world
My friend was recently hurt badly by a man she loved/trusted and said that we should all sue hollywood/disney land for making girls imagine that there was a real prince hero out of there.
My hypothesis
In the olden days, people believed there were gods who would rescue man from any danger. Thus turned up when the situation was completely helplessly and solved the situation without as much as breaking a sweat.
Heroes would rather die than look weak
Thus when Kenyans appoint a president who is not afraid to look weak, they develop a loathe for him as they in their heads swore him Heroically. That's why many Kenyans begged to ask why didn't he show up at Uhuru park just like the first time. Nobody likes weaklings.
That's not the point.
When women get married, they are looking for a HEro. One who will make their problems disappear. One who will protect them always. Who will not be weak to make bold decisions. Who will speak out for her when the family is against her.
Something in me tells me some people are failing in being the HEro that's why marriages break so often. Though i wonder, would women live a much fuller life, if they expected less of men to be HEroes?
Monday, July 14, 2008
4.47..Friday evening, it's a rainy city so decide to rush home before the traffic jam nightmare. That's what my parents would want me to do.
What I would do
Wait for the traffic nightmare, look for the nearest pub, drink until midnight or so and then crawl back home. Everybody knows it has been raining alright.
What did i do, I rushed home.
I am scared.
I did not leave the house, it was very cold.
What I would do?
Convince myself that cold has never stopped anyone. You know when the pub is quite full, chances are that it will be hot. And anyway beer tastes better when it is cold.
What did i do?
Spent the whole day breaking my back with housekeeping and realized how ungrateful and unrewarding it can be. Then slept.
Obviously, my mother's efforts are paying off after some 20 odd years. My parents do like to see people in the house all the time. But obviously estrogen ed/testosterone children do not stay in the house.
Which makes me wonder (i am starting to sound like Carrie Bradshaw), do we finally become what our parents wanted us to be?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Thursday, July 03, 2008
African Politics and politicos.....continued. the C
Let us just say the reason why Africa is so undeveloped is in their politics and quest for power.
Cameroon- an Anglophone country. The home to the great Etoo.
First multi party elections held in 1992. Private Radio and Television stations are not allowed. The President Biya is there because the opposition boycotted the elections in 1997. Journalists are frequently arrested. Not a media free country really...more
Cape Verde- the former Portuguese colony where the Prime Minister is the head of government. In the first Multi party elections in 1992, the opposition party won. Conducts free and fair elections. Has even won some award for that. For more details
Central Arican Republic (CAR). This is one of most poorest country in the Africa and hence the world
Surrounded by Chad, Sudan, Congo and Cameroon (some neighbours those are!).
The president was overthrown by a general in 2003 by name Francoise Bozize who went ahead to conduct a democratic election in 2005. Their saga is above
Chad- this is an Arabic country. Also one of the most poorest and corrupt countries in the world. It is marred by poor governance. The president Idriss Deby is an executive one who is most reputed for marrying severally. He has been in power since 1990 which he seized by a military coup, He has contested and won in 1996 and 2001. Little is said of the elections...more
Comoros-this is an Island country with a population of 780,000 people. That's less than the Nairobians. Despite being poor, this country has had coups and political insurrections. The president was elected democratically. . More
Cote D' Ivoire (ivory coast)_ Home to the striker Dider Drogba.
Many things have been said in Kenya precisely on 30th December that it should go the Ivory way. Exactly which way was this?
There is an ongoing civil war, coups and political insurrection. The country is split between the president Laurent Ggabo and a rebel leader Soro. It seems until the groups are disarmed, they are stuck.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Sources: wikipedia
I cannot understand how their politics work for this Arabic Country (do they even consider themselves Africans?). Go here
This country has been ravaged by war for several decades.
Has an executive Presidency. The last elections were held in 1992, the president has said there may be elections in 2009. That's 17 Years folks.
For more go here
Has an Executive president by name Thomas Boni Yayi.
2 year maximum cap, elections free and fair. No 70+ president. Fair enough
I could say one of the most opportunity countries in Africa, i am a Kenyan i know that. General elections held fair and freely every five years. Good
Burkina Faso
This is the land of the upright people.
Executive president for a five year term. Sitting president does not qualify for a re-election. Ruled by a folk called
Blaise Compaore since 1987. Thats 21 years. Fossil!!. Go here
One of the poorest countries in the whole wide world from where my ancient folks must have almost come from. Pierre Nkurunziza is the C.E.O. A guy called Buyoya had declared himself president in a bloodless coup sometimes in 95. To know more about the guru of African Destruction go here
Ps/ C-G this week.
I have a new terrible habit..
When a chic passes me & my friends, or is around us, we check out her hairstyle (do), shoes and her clothes and talk about it.
I think its a bad habit (fullstop)
Monday, June 30, 2008
I could use "INSTANT"
Don't you just love this Instant era?
We communicate instantly (how is it we survived with the posta Snail mail), waiting for replies forever that is if it were ever delivered. Which reminds me of the KBW card, that was last seen in England (digression 101).
Lemme remember how we used to write the damn letter,
"dear xxxx, i hope you are fine. Thanks for your letter, i received it with many thanks (grammaerrors intended). We are all fine, infact grandmother was sick,,..aiish"
Now we write,
"hy, how r u? M gud. misya".
For the record, don't send me any of those r u's.
Now, what i need is
Instant hair (weaves not applied for) like, braids planting themselves on my head without me having to sit for 6-7 hours in a kibanda.
Instant moods-there is a certain someone i want to manufacture a smile for albeit unwillingly because i am not good at fakery. This time it's important
Instant husband- not really but i mean when i need one then said can disappear when i don't need. Ps/ I still intend to leave alone
I know there are certain instants i can get
Instant nails (ala acrylics)
Instant loving
I mean instant publishing (blogging).
Why wait when you can get the instants?
Friday, June 27, 2008
SATC in Nairobi
For men over 35
Normal? Yes
Playa? Yes go to number two
Conventional wisdom; good men are nabbed before they can learn how to use their money alone.
Number One: Normal, playa
Define normal; not psychotic, has no R-Kelly sort of "in the closet" secrets
Hard to quit the playa life..go to number two
Number Two; Normal, Not Playa
Set Criteria :Income levels
High income
Set new criteria: Religious?
Not been to a church since Pope John Paul was here in '85. Can pass
Set new criteria: Interesting?
Favourite Joke: I passed out while driving my car after drinking
Huh! go to Number three
Number three: normal, not playa, teetotaller, good jokes
Rare type. if you get this one, run to the AG's
Monday, June 23, 2008
Many other things
There is no more techie in me that goes beyond writing this blog. Thank you blogger. But i attended albeit very late,the Bar Camp Nairobi finally meeting Hash. Even if i half understood half of what was going on, i caught on one that i finally could understand, the renewable sources. But even then it would be good to know what kind of things the folks at Blogger go through and naturally i am a curious person.
What i saw
People of young age interested in changing their lives and hence the lives of many Kenyans. Wealth creation in Kenya is a topic that deals me headaches, think of it just how much can you do with scarce resources. But even then, lets hope we are going to translate these super ideas into cash!
The thing with Blog world is that it introduces you to fantastic people who you would probably have never met who are all interested in doing things to change things around them. Most people in Kenya are stuck in the problem phase, solutions are rarely provided.
Anyway i went for Sevens a bit. The Kenyans can cheer and drink.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
- Matatu Drivers take the accolades- they are loud, act like they have a right of way, don't care about traffic rules and generally represent what ill manners look like. Plus their conductors
- Stock brokers are fast gaining the name rogue and wayward- this need not be explained
- Civil Servants- though no longer known as the people who hang the coats on the chair while pretending to be at work the whole day, . Civil servants have not really changed and i don't expect them to. They still blatantly ask for bribes to do work they should be doing. Lets just say 99% make the other 1% look bad.
- Industries - They join this index for making Nairobi River look like a dumping site or worse.
- The Transport Minister- I don't know what this guy does, maybe he should explain to us via the notorious Government Spokesman.
- Members of Parliament- Nothing good can be said of these people. They know how to debate on many issues concerning how to raise their money, how to use their money and how to have money after they leave parliament. Very progressive indeed.
- The Standard newspapers- I don't know if this Newspaper knows there are many things that exist in Kenya beyond their cheap political rhetoric.
- The City Planners -and who are they?
- All those people who come on Tv and say "Tunaomba Serikali itusaidie"
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

People say sometimes that Beauty is only superficial. That may be so. But at least it is not so superficial as Thought is. To me, Beauty is the wonder of wonders. It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances.
Oscar Wilde
The Judges at Tusker Project Fame and Idols are in distress. This is from the decision of the public to save Hemedi Suleiman and Cynthia Kuto despite their apparent lack of strong singing talent. See no much probs with Cynthia but Hemedi (ngai fafa!). And they are not hiding it.
I almost went under cover, hearing Hemedi sing New York, New York, Frank Sinatra's precious song. It was first destroyed by Susan Mayer (Teri Hatcher) in Desperate Housewives. Gosh that song will never be the same again.
Ian could be heard saying terrible, intolerable (not), deplorable.
But all the same if i was a contestant, i would save Hemedi any day. Why? He is not competition enough. I wouldn't pull an Alvan then end up without a Benz ati "For love"whaddf**k
Monday, June 16, 2008
After the Harambee Stars match, the stars started singing "Obama, Oliech, Odinga". Point being?
The win was ecstatic with thousands of Kenyans watching the match aside from that so not welcome tribal insinuation. The stars should remember all Kenyans are with them regardless.
And that not in football alone
When ODM fronted a Kipsigis by name Nge'no, Nkaissery could no longer understand democracy, it was tribal issues again. NO way could a Kipsigis lead the Maasais. Wow!
When Esther Passaris fronted herself she said "Ni Muthoni" just to appeal to the larger Kikuyu community of Embakasi and she stated rightfully of course that her mother hails from Naromoru. That didn't work for her even if i really wanted her to win. I was negatively touched by her appeals. I think she is a brilliant strong person and she didn't have to go to that extent to appeal to the voters.
Somethings just won't magically disappear.
Friday, June 13, 2008
New Trick Questions.
So if you are a young twenty something female going on interview in Kenya you expect this questions for reals
Are you single
the answer to this one is lose-lose
You have come to look for husband in our company
you will soon be married
you will be pregnant soon
and need 4 months off
Verdict: not hired
Are you single
Next question
Are you married
Are you engaged
Lets see
Married without children
You are going to get some soon and yes need 4 months leave to pop
Married with probs one child (hey20 something)
Have you finished with the family you know (22, huh, obviously not!)
You will need 4 months leave
Verdict: Not hired.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
So I took to my keypad, my last resort. Typing away, wishing to say things that make sense. I can't really say how it started. It could have been at the door while keying in those ambiguous non meaning codes that say "you are late!" or is it "you can come in here!!!" That's the earliest I can remember. My mind still doubts if it means you belong here or here is taken. That road of thought goes nowhere as I can't get anything. Get me a copy of He's just not that not into you, it still doesn't work. Figure this out; it's not just that clear, ok Greg! The inner psychic that brings all things into a complete unraveled mystery refuses to work and I am left in a hollow deep dark and frightened shallowness. Work me some anxiety attacks of "OOH my God, that did happen to me!"
Ok, so it's not anything to sweat over, right. Nobody should sweat over small stuff. So, why the sudden realization? I mean if your dreams are filled with walking somebody's, ok everyone does walk. Anyway let's just say, dreams are intimate things but when featuring certain somebody's 7 nights out of 7 nights, it gets scary. And that certain somebody is hardly aware of the said fact. It feels a bit odd; it deserves space on my space. Like post a video of the dreams on you tube and then post to said somebody and say "Don't you just gerrrrrit!". Then explain like Barney (HIMYM) that's totally going in my blog huH.
Said person has no legendary anything. I mean not strong hands that played rugby(KM 06). Ok I know other somebody with J. Or lets just say said person's legend is still undiscovered. So help ME God
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Cristiano Ronaldo and the Prisoner of Azkaban????
The picture of Dorian Gray yes the so called immoral book by the Iconic Oscar Wilde is been made to a movie again. If you haven't read it go to or go to a Nakumatt near you, book costs only Ksh. 250.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The latest is one of the cheapest; 3/= sh Celtel off peak hours. But is anyone switching to Celtel. Kenyans have been waiting endless for cheap mobile calls, nothing is cheaper than 3/= but why are Safaricom subscribers so loyal. There is nothing superior about Safaricom, their customer service is the crappest, their free customer care line never goes through, their care centres always have lines akin to those of Co-operative banking hall.
Things Celtel/new entrants might have to consider;
Kenyans hold their numbers dear to their heart. At the beginning of the mobile telephony, subscribers switched their lines between Kencel and Safcom before finally settling on safaricom or Kencell. That's at the point Kencell then lost their first war.
Kencell fought the battle at Clarity; Safaricom fought the war on cheapest.
Cheapest made sense then.
So came Celtel which realized that clarity was not making sense and started introducing new cheaper tariffs on a weekly basis. Some people bought Celtel lines on the side to call when it was cheaper to do so. Again no one switched from Safaricom permanently. It soon became boring to switch between two lines.
Now Celtel is fighting on a cheaper war, Safaricom is not bothered.
Will Safaricom regret this apathy? Safaricom must have tested their customers loyalty and realized its unwavering.
Kenyans have this thing of brand loyalty. As someone joked they ask for "Blueband ya Prestige" They think margarine is blue band. Just like they think Pampers =diapers or think Kodak.
Think Mobile think Safaricom.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The saga continues....
After reading this post at Kumekucha and the comments that followed, it shows me if we don't get an Obama Kenya as a nation we are headed for extinction.Even King Solomon might have to cut the baby into half proverbially so.
What's this there is more HIV in Nyanza vs more HIV in Central discussion? Why should it even arise?
Why does any discussion on Raila lead to portrayal of Kikuyus as monsters. What does a discussion of Kibaki have to do with Raila and vice versa, the two are not the same person and each has their own fatal flaws (think Art of War) and merits.
I know each is aware of the disastrous election campaigns they carried out.The effects of divisions are not going to wear out just because somebody said so.
That notwithstanding I thought 4 months later and after intense bleeding I am shocked we are still having a your province is better than ours or our people are more hardworking than yours arguments. When will Kenyans ever grow up? I mean if you can't learn from your own experiences then how can you learn?
When I listened to Orengo waxing lyrical that Kikuyus who have been displaced from the Rift Valley should be resettled, elsewhere I could not believe he is first and foremost a human rights lawyer and a nationalist as he had appeared to severally be. How politicians change. There has been an excellent piece on Kenya Imagine on the issue of Ancestral land and someone has asked very correctly "since the Maasai people are nomadic pastoralists, does that mean every piece of parcel they have passed through makes it their ancestral land?". What I know is that anyone claiming others must move from their rightful or otherwise acquired land, is a terrible daydreamer. Ask those who own land in the middle of Nairobi City. Maybe Kenyatta was wrong in allocating land to his cronies/tribesmen, maybe he was not; I am not willing to pursue where is it again,..where my great great great grandfather came from maybe he was even a Maasai grazing his cows and then...., I don't know. see how drafty the story of ancestors can be.
Ababu Namwamba swallows Bitter Pill
Politics is an interesting game, a few months just when the Honorable Ababu Namwamba pulled theatrics on the swearing day of parliament he has to taste his own medicine. The man he swore to will hear nothing of opposition and publicly so. The people of Kisumu have been told that Government is where they belong and rightly so after the attempt to get into statehouse were thwarted by what some will argue (ODMers) grand theft of elections.
I have nothing but respect for Mr. Ababu the young man from Budalangi who ousted the useless Raphael Wanjala but that is as far as it goes. Your tongue the bible says is very dangerous and destructive.
Raila and Kibaki belong to the same class; the elite political class. I mean just six months after I was born, Raila pulled one on Moi, that was 26 years ago .Kibaki was then a VC for president Moi . 20 years later, he is the man that Raila declared "Tosha" and who Raila is calling your Excellency now. Gosh Ababu can't you see? Politics is a silly game! You disrespected Kibaki in full glare of the Cameras because you thought they are grand enemies. Now Raila marked you, knows you can't respect an old man (at least) and will clip you before you can develop your wings! First learn the game, before you can even act or talk.Don't get too excited. Watch this space.
Monday, May 12, 2008
I never learn
So i say to myself
I never learn
Where the heart should not go
I never learn
To cut on high caloried food
I never learn
Not to give when i should take
I never learn
Not to sleep when i should wake
I never learn
To work more and surf less
Friday, May 09, 2008
Feels like it's the cul de sac
you make a turn
or choose a new road
What will it be?
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Kenya is now.....wait for it............................Bongoland
I am sorry folks, but i had this sudden realization as i rode the matatu today that it's really bongo land. I had this amazing appetite for Kenyan do i say hiphop music but i no longer hear it and yes you guessed right, folks would rather listen to Bongo than kapuka or genge.
When bongo landed the likes of Nameless were asked what they thought of it. They answered like i would anyway that it was a passing cloud...and people are interested in new things. It's been over 6 years since Bongo landed and what i am seeing right now is an entrenchment not a passing cloud.
Watch the Beat, listen to 7 at 7 on Kiss where Binti Kiziwi is now a favourite and you slowly realized Kenyan hiphop music has been taking over. The fans have complained for lack of good videos and amazingly bad videos and snobbish one hit artistes! Even pulse is covering bongo artistes more and more...saad.
For those still wondering what Bongo music is follow here.
Now what do the likes who sing Kapuka and Genge due...restrategize my friends or rather revolutionize time for restrategizing is over, coz you are so out!
Don't get me wrong, i would love to say i am a fan of kenyan hiphop but you know what i was sold. It's not my fault nor lack of patriotism.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I met a Thief
On the beach, on the coast,
Under the idle, whispering coconut towers,
Before the growling, foaming, waves,
I met a thief, who guessed I had
An innocent heart for her to steal.
She took my hand and led me under
The intimate cashew boughs which shaded
The downy grass and peeping weeds.
She jumped and plucked the nuts for me to suck;
She sang and laughed and pressed close.
I gazed: her hair was like the wool of a mountain sheep,
Her eyes, a pair of brown-black beans floating in milk.
Juicy and round as plantation shoots
Her legs, arms and neck;
And like wine-gourds her pillowy breasts;
Her throat uttered fresh banana juice:
Matching her face-smooth and banana-ripe.
I touched- but long before I had even tasted,
My heart had flowed from me into her breast;
And the she went – high and South-
And left my carcass roasting in the fire she'd lit.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Did Mutoko have anything to do with MK's Exit
But good things apparently don't last. (how sad)
So today someone gave me a whole perspective to this debacle that Queen B could have had something to do with the Mwalimu's exit. Trust me Kenyans really are worried about Mwalimu's exit and they talk about it all the time. She runs the Quarcoo affairs that is not necessarily a dark secret, the extent to which is what nobody knows.
The MK's stole the show from her i.e. the Big Breakfast and struggling to remain relevant was something she must have thought of. After all the concept of a glamourous big breakfast came with Phil Mathews (Capital FM) then Carol Mutoko..
If all MK was asking for was Ksh. 20,000, would Radio Africa Ltd not be in a position to give him even more? After all what was Classic 105 without the both MK's?.
Just in time for KISS100's FM new recruit to replace Nyambane and did the switch happen? Will the switch go back to KISS 100 FM. Talk of survival tactics.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Learning from Buzzted
- If you think that tots belongs to someone else, he/she does
- If you think someone is cheating on you, he/she is
- Sometimes you are just the side kick really
- No Don Juan would be busted on busted
- Calling people and promising them holidays works all the time
- Who do you want to send the flowers to? also works
- 100% of the people buzzted are gullible, how now? that makes a chunk of Kenyans Huh!
- We all love free things
- When the deal is too good think twice:)
- Does Easy FM reach the whole nation?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
What happened to our Beloved Country?
a) The Government has wronged them
b)They are poverty stricken, unemployed youths?
c)They have the ability to do so
As we speak the transport system has been paralyzed, fares have doubled, citizens are in morbid fear. This is because a certain group of people have said so.
But why do these groups seen during the post election violence and now operate with such impunity?
The ruling (political) class have used these same gangs to gain power. The gangs seen during the post election violence were first and foremost not normal Kenyans but to all and sundry (meaning the world) were normal mwananchi angry at the election results. That argument did pass and you know what some people majorly benefited from this and are currently occupying posh offices. We won't get into that.
So why won't new gangs come out and demand the respect that the gangs during the post election violence got with outstanding success? you need power, hire a gang, terrorize citizens and get it! Whatever it is Mungiki are asking/demanding for is unknown. But all i know is we are tired, sick tired of this mindless violence to citizens.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Blogger -Citizen Journalism
Nairobi Star yesterday carried a very interesting headline to quote "
Are bloggers dangerous propagandists?"
Today the Standard has a column titled "Bloggers fury over the new cabinet".
Bloggers i think represent the Kenyans who speak straight from the gut.
Though Mwangi from Thinkersroom may make one think that M is in M for
Mwangi. I think these people need a few lessons from bloggers.
Good day people
Monday, April 14, 2008
New (OLD) cabinet, Mungiki Strikes
stalwarts have decided to give us a thoroughly recycled cabinet.
Picture these
Ministers from ODM (recycled)
William Ole Ntimama
Kipkalya Kones
Dalmas Otieno
Chris Obure
Henry Kosgey
Fred Gumo
Dr. Sally Kosgei
Musalia Mudavadi
These are people who foresaw and actively participated in times of our
economic depression. One of the reasons why I never saw the hype about
ODM was this. Some may be real reformists but the persons who ended
up having real power were the old goons because of their economic
power which is very crucial in political campaigns in Kenya. I don't
know why they should be given a benefit of doubt but all I know is ODM
could have done better with their many fresh faces. Out of 20
Ministers, 12 served in the powerful Moi Regime.
Ministers from PNU (recycled)
Samuel Poghisio
Prof. Sam Ongeri
Yusuf Haji
Prof. George Saitoti
PNU on the other hand also has many new faces that you would expect in
the cabinet, George Thuo for example, the man who provides transport
in Nairobi is a man you would not expect to miss in the cabinet. He is
young and refreshing. I am shocked young Kimunya survived the old
folks onslaught.
I am extremely disappointed with this cabinet, it gives nobody hopes
nor does it promise anything new. All I can see is political games
well played and a further entrenchment of the political rewards to
tribal kingpins.
Mungiki strikes
As if in mockery, some Nairobi Residents woke up to a rude shock. The
members of the outlawed took to the streets terrorizing Motor Vehicle
owners and burning vehicles. From the reports gathered they went on
and about in estates such as Zimmerman, Githurai, Dandora, Tassia,
Gachie, Limuru, Ruaka and other parts of Eastlands. Thika Road, a
normally traffic jam stricken road, was very clear with most PSV's
(Matatus) avoiding the road for fear of the dreaded Militia. The wife
of the de facto Mungiki leader is said to have been killed with her
driver in the car and dumped in a forest. It is not clear who/how the
wife died but it has surely angered the Militia with them promising to
raise terror until their concerns (?) are met. I can only hope the
Government will act swiftly to avoid further securing concerns.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Kingangi is out!
(digression 101) I am sure if everyone had a gun , they would point it to the Big Men not a fellow Kenyan which is not a bad thing.
Anyway it just dawned on me that it is true the character known as Philgonias (sp) aka Mwalimu Kingangi who in
real life carries the Name Ndambuki in his National ID has left Classic FM. Maina Kageni is lonely and it is so evident. So Pulse (the official Perez HIlton) in Kenya writes it is about the pay. That MK (2) was starting to hold Classic FM hostage to increase his pay (huh). I don't know methinks its weird.
But i say King'angi is nothing without Classic Breakfast i am quickly reminded Classic Breakfast Show is nothing without King'ang'i.
I am not saying Maina Kageni is not a great presenter. MK (1) is a terrific presenter, kwanza that voice of his is just too sexy but the show is just not complete without MK (2). Considering the traffic jams Kenyans have to endure every morning; a good joke makes it a bit less taxing and much more enduring.
I can't remember the last time i listened to Carol Mutoko. Then there was a time when Kiss FM rocked with CM and Nyambane, apparently that is no longer the position. Though i guess it's time humorists in the country ( i am sure there are people who can throw a few jokes apart from Nyams and King'angi) should find a very fulfilling career with Radio Africa.
I would actually want to know what is the real reason behind Mwalimu King'ang'i's sad departure from Classic FM.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Let Love Go, If Go she will
By Robert Louis Stevenson
Let love go, if go she will.
Seek not, O fool, her wanton flight to stay.
Of all she gives and takes away
The best remains behind her still.
The best remains behind; in vain
Joy she may give and take again,
Joy she may take and leave us pain,
If yet she leave behind
The constant mind
To meet all fortunes nobly, to endure
All things with a good heart, and still be pure,
Still to be foremost in the foremost cause,
And still be worthy of the love that was.
Love coming is omnipotent indeed,
But not Love going. Let her go. The seed
Springs in the favouring Summer air, and grows,
And waxes strong; and when the Summer goes,
Remains, a perfect tree.
Joy she may give and take again,
Joy she may take and leave us pain.
O Love, and what care we?
For one thing thou hast given, O Love, one thing
Is ours that nothing can remove;
And as the King discrowned is still a King,
The unhappy lover still preserves his love.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Chips, Love
At first when my brother became of age and outgrew the bread, we started feeling threatened of our status quo (the sole beneficiary of the chips) mum started to bring him his own packet of chips and us guys would only get one to share.
When my bro was born i was 9 my sis was 7 i don't know what has changed but this days, 9 year olds are still toddlers but at our time we were grown children who could possibly do all types of housework. I am still shocked that i can't make chapattis. So we fed on his weetabix, cerelac (esp) carried him around. So on this day i put him on the table and poor boy woishe angukas, my mum instead of picking him took a slipper and did the necessary. My mom's tool of punishment was a slipper and boy it worked. The threat of a slipper was enough for total submission. Because my bro was so beautiful, my sis carried him around telling everyone to come and see her beautiful brother. But sometimes we were not amused because my brother was such a toddler and you couldn't leave him alone when we wanted to go play. He had this habit of crying until my mother came back and instantly would go to slipper mode in the name of "mlifanyia nini mtoto"??.
My mom would go to do her business in town everyday and in the evening without failure would come with 2 packet of chips, mine and my sis. When she claimed to have no money we would only have one to share and with a lot of fight so when my brother came of chips eating age (3years) we would bribe him really hard. you would hear my sis humbly submitting "woiyee kababa si mimi ndio nilikubeba leo" only to get these extra chips. Call it love-hate, encroachment of a right to eat a full plate of chips, but that is how it worked.
Childhood stories though sometimes bitter (slippers) can be very entertaining especially when you sit with your mother and she denies that she ever did do anything leave alone cause misery. Like the day my sis disappeared and we had to look for her for almost 4 hours only to find her hiding just around the house. My last beatings were when i was in standard 4 after being slippered daily in Standard 3.
I bet everyone had one worth remembering.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
There is only one thing that brings instant tears to my eyes; my youngest brother. Every time I think about him I want to cry. I do not like writing it here but the fact that my brother lives with my aunt is something that breaks/tears my heart.
I come from a most imperfect family. Thanks God to my very abilities to shove everything aside, I am able to live with it. I don't wish for any other family either, I am totally content (not necessarily happy) knowing from the outside other people think ours is happiest one maybe because we can afford to live a bit better than others.
I brought up my brother for at least 2 years and for that time I grew in profound love. There is only person's love I am assured of in the world, his. We love each other totally, deeply and I don't think there is anyone who can ever take away that love from me, maybe my own children. I never understood why they said that a mother's love is the deepest for what I feel for my brother is deep love; I will lie to say I feel that about anyone else. Yet for some reasons i can't live with him. Reasons I will not delve into because that is a bit personal. But I read somewhere today that the only way to healing sometimes is through writing and I wish my brother would read this and know that I would not want him to feel abandoned ever in future that if it were in my greatest powers I would live with him and would not mind taking care of him however much great sacrifice it would call on my part.
As I write this I feel really badly, I cannot control the tears I feel for the emotional pain my brother has to go through. I do know for a fact relatives will never take care of other people's children and those who have had to grow without their parents can understand what I mean. I have told my mother once and more again that their separation did not have to affect my brother in that way and for the reason only I have no say in his life being only his sister as once, when we were having a discussion with my aunt she retaliated by asking who I was to him and only my parents could discuss his well being and where he is to stay. My mother says she is in no position to provide for the young boy as his father and for my father, his child would rather be brought up by his aunt rather than a house help (to an extent i agree).
Sometimes I pray to God, asking him to give me the guidance on how to handle that issue because when I have tried to handle it I have ended blowing a storm out of it and falling out with my both parents. They in my opinion don't see any problem with being holiday parents or si I go to see him or he is lacking in nothing. I know he is lacking in nothing but I don't know anything that taking care of another human being and knowing he has your love and back, and to take him to hospital when he falls sick and to take him to school.
Gosh I better stop there!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
While the facts surrounding the Kenyan elections and the Zimbabwe elections are similar in delaying of the elections results, the opposition in Zimbabwe could be a true hope for the future of Zimbabwe but the opposition in Kenya (as it were) can hardly bear any hope then and still now. I can hardly call recycling of the KANU remnants as the opposition (then was), i am not shocked those guys are still haggling over who to occupy cabinet posts.
If you are giving Kibaki an option of Henry Kosgey, Sally Kosgey, Chris Obure or worse still William Ole Ntimama the classic case of failed leaders in the past. While we saw the rise of young persons who were shown the door e.g. Mukhisa Kituyi, Raphael Tuju, Mutahi Kagwe leaders we will sorely miss for their national contributions and making differences in our lives. I have seen people in the cutting edge begging for them to spare Michuki (roads) in the new cabinet, people the country celebrated to lose (what is wrong with Kenyans?).
while the Zimbabwean Economy has seen extreme deterioration from lack of schools, mortuaries even, health facilities, the zim dollar rises as you queue for them. People are paid to reprice the goods in market, hardly can the same be said of Kenya even under Moi's rule. I have come to appreciate little things that are good in Kenya with time, i hope everyone learns to not to issue blanket condemnation of Africa's bad leadership
Open Mic Session
The last time i attended the open mic session we left arguing rather heartedly with a friend of mine on whether or not Tony Mochama was a literary genius. Obviously from my friend's ignorance, i highly doubt he knows TM's writings was of the argument that he wasn't as he (TM) had presented a reading on his deceased cousin.Anyway since i don't pride myself to be a literary critic, i will not make any further argument but all i know is that the dude is a word smith literary.
amongst a backdrop of a picture of a young woman spotting a rather curly short hair that reminds me of 70's hair styles a mixture of young and not so young persons gather. This is the literary street literary as the newspaper people would call them. They are artistes of different nature, bloggers, actresses, budding poets, musicians and others who are basically here because they heard of open mic and their friends think its cool. As with every event/club in Nairobi there are people whose presence would much be elsewhere.
For some reason my eyes are drawn to the young woman on the picture. Who does she symbolize because when i turn around i see gals in long hair, with lines, braid not some curly short hair.Then there are two paintings of totally nude women on the walls of Club Soundd. Maybe that's the conviction that woman is art.
Time effluxes and i hear from different people masquerading as poets, real stuff and finally totally amateur stuff. At one point my attention is caught with some very disgusting unpoetical language
"I miss you big"
Themes move from the obvious & exhausted love, pain, tragedies, comedy, Africa. I would though love to hear some satirical pieces but it seems the amateur & professional poets think nothing of this genre.
The audience is unsympathetic to boring stuff. When the stuff is good they respond with heavy clapping, the boring pieces are meant with a lot murmurs.
While along comes Eudiah who apparently blogs at , a welcome from the previous amateur of "I miss you big" and the performance is great. The Lack of performance from the other artistes is worrying.
Kwani the organization that oversees the Poetry Mic nite, though to be recognized for the display of the talented and the not so talented should provide minimum guidelines for the kind of pieces to be presented. By 9 O'clock the crowd most who i believe belong to the walking nation are ready to leave and by this time not a lot of professional artistes have not been heard.
Where: Club Soundd
When: Every First Tuesday of the Month
Charges: Ksh. 100
Books on the offering
What if I am a literary Gangsta -Tony Mochama
Books by Story Moja
Monday, March 31, 2008
don't ask for advice; if you don't need it
There are a breed of people who just tire me; those that come to ask you for advice that they don't need.
My life could be entirely stress free if i could come up with such sentences
Candy is
but Liquor
is quicker
Yeah but mofos still think i should spend my life listening to their problems and worse still going back to their undesired state of life even after burdening me with the same.
I happen to be a keen follower of DNA's one hit wonder lyric
"Si tuna shida zetu, tusikize zako kwa nini?"
By the way its not that i do not love to help out people. Infact i am a very good listener or rather extremely good one. But when you ask me for advice about something, i do not expect you to follow it to the letter but i do not expect you to go back to the same so called stress after one day.
The space i have in my hard disk (head) is preserved for important matters.
Ok so where is this going
A gal comes gives you of a story of how the friend is draining her. You advise that is not proper for any kind of a relationship to be draining. Two days later they come hand in hand as if in mock.
Because i am getting tired of what these people did i will simply just say if your relationship with whatever, boy/girl, girl/girl, mother/daughter is draining you and you still intend to stick by it write all the problems that happen within in a journal!
I do tell people my problems only when i intend to do something about it. It's a waste of valuable mental space to keep bitching to all and sundry about your stressful relationship which you intend not to terminate.
I have no time nor space for people's mundane outbursts meant to seek sympathy.
Friday, March 28, 2008
the pain of the lovelorn
adj : unhappy in love; suffering from unrequited love [syn: bereft,That's the story of my friend. His girlfriend (or ex) is the total b.
this is when you expect that the love you give will be returned but instead pain is all you feel.
I wonder why people find it easy to tear up somebody's self esteem by criticizing everything they do. The girl expects the guy to go out of his way, fetch her from wherever she is and worship her basically but won't do anything in return. The worst part is the guy is totally in love with her and he thinks he can't do without her. He says they have fought many times and made up but he is admitting he is now totally fed up with this chic.
I won't though be surprised if they are back together before i can battle my eyelid.
She tores into his everything, his eating habits, his driving, his dressing!!!
I told him though no one rides your back unless you bend and that is something i believe in completely. I would never let anyone tear into my self esteem. If you think i am not totally enough for you the way i am, why should i keep dragging you in my life.
Love is a difficult issue to deal with because it is something one barely understands anyway. So i ask him if there is anything that girl does that is so wonderful when she is not tearing into his life, he was at pains to explain!
He tells me she throws drama, embarrasses him in front of people and has made a hobby to cause drama even in front of his friend.
And that is not even the first friend i have had who has been mistreated like that. This dude had to deal with this mama who never stopped to remind him how lucky he was to have her! I once met her throwing tantrums at him on the street and i was so embarassed that i just passed the dude because i didn't want him to realize that i had noticed he was being harassed on the streets. Thank God he was finally able to get out of that relationship. And you know what was most interesting is that mama kept bugging him to take her back. He never looked back!
If i was this dude i would take the nearest bata shoes and run for dear life!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Things i learnt from TZ
1. We don't sell until you greet us! salamu kwanza
2. If you push for service you get none.
3. If you wanted to do your things faster, wake up earlier. Usituharakishe bana.
4. We don't sell everything to you. We don't sell whole packets, what will the next person buy?
5. Pole dancing, what is that?
6. You Kenyans ni wajeuri
7. You don't drink your whole beer, share please.
8.I am the ministers driver, bow down when you see me LOL
Anyway i hope ya'll had a great Easter! I did.
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Tag 2- The absence of creativity
2. Made out with a friend on your MySpace/Facebook page?
3. Danced in front of your mirror naked?
4. Told a lie?
Yes, but i don't like doing it.
5. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
ooh yes.
6. Been arrested?
7. Made out with someone of the same sex?
8. Seen someone die?
9. Slept in until 5pm?
10. Had sex at work?
well never have. But thanks for the idea.
11. Fallen asleep at work/school?
12. Held a snake?
13. Ran a red light?
14. Been suspended from school?
15. Totaled your car in an accident?
well no because i have none.
16. Pole danced?
17. Smoked?
when i was totally high, i stopped though
18. Been fired from a job?
19. Sang karaoke?
Yes. After 12 straight hours of alcohol.
20. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
Yes i have like today.
21. Laughed until a drink came out your nose?
22. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
In the village, i think it snows.
23. Kissed in the rain?
Not yet.
24. Sang in the shower?
Ooh yes i do
25. Given your private parts a nickname?
trick question
26. Ever gone out without underwear?
27. Sat on a roof top?
28. Played chicken?
Yes. rarely though.
29. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
30. Broken a bone?
31. Mooned/flashed someone?
32. Shaved your head?
Last time '95
33. Slept naked?
Yes, when its very hot
34. Played a prank on someone?
Ooh yes
35. Had a gym membership?
36. Felt like killing someone?
37. Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry?
38. Cried over someone you were in love with?
Ooh yeah for almost 2 year. ..daft?
39. Had sex more than 10 times in one day?
Hehehe, are there such studs. 10 times aiih. no
40. Had Mexican jumping beans for pets?
41. Been in a band?
42. Subscribed to Maxim?
NO subscriptions.
43. Taken more than 10 shots of alcohol?
eeeh he. thats a tricky one (peter marangi 07)
44. Shot a gun?
45. Had sex today?
No. I am a single woman.
46. Played strip poker?
Yes. not divulging details
47. Tripped on mushrooms?
48. Donated blood?
49. Videotaped yourself having sex?
50. Eaten alligator meat?
51. Ever jump out of an airplane?
52. Have you been to more than 10 countries?
53. Ever wanted to have sex with a platonic friend?
Platonic friends are there because we don't want to have sex with them in the first place. Not ruling it out though.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tag I am It
One of my favourite bloggers for real is back with a tag
Random things about Shiroh not Girl in the Meadow
- I have a conscience and a deep one. I am not the kind of person who can do crazy stuff and feel like i did nothing. On the surface it appears so but my God it affects sometimes i just ran to the adoration chapel and feel like crying.
- I can't date light coloured men...there you have it...sawwrrrrry. They don't attract me at all. maybe its because the ones i have have turned out weak but that doesn't mean all are that's just my experiences.
- Well to be honest, i find it hard to forgive people at least completely. I cannot stand personal attacks. So if you are fond of telling me of just how fat i am or such kind juz know i aint into it!!
- I luuuurve Music totally. from country to Mugiithi to anything with beats i am into it. I sometimes sing on the streets so guys stop and ask "ati?" Idle Kenyans!!! When the music is good i am at Zen or is it Nirvana??
- I like experimenting. People get caught up in my experiments. And then Numero 1 comes to haunt me and i feel like shyt for a few days. Enough said.
- I am right handed, left footed. When i go for aerobics you never know what happens. The instructor says right leg curl, i do left leg curl, says right hand i do left leg right hand. Jesus!! Thanks God for aerobics i am learning to co-ordinate my movements.