Friday, February 01, 2008

tribal warfare-WHAT & WHY

Though i do believe that the election flared up the current ethnic crisis, i also do know and have a conviction that it did not cause it.
Hate Speech did it!
And all this started at the National Referendum that was done in 2005. When the campaigners went round giving people the ills of the Constitution that was to be which IMO was not the best document but far better than what we currently had. They were peddled with information
That certain communities would go and take their land once the constitution was passed.
An even better information was that the Nyumba of Mumbi was threatened if that constitution did not pass.
When the verdict was finally No to the New constitution Kenyans were told ok and this is something i heard not was told on National Television
"You have triumphed against the enemy"
While in 2002 parties came together to vote against Uhuru.  Parties such then as was culminated into A Rainbow called Narc Government. Cracks soon emerged before we could change our pair of shoes. You have shortchanged us they cried! 
Fast forward to 2007....
Kenya Vs GEMA was formed. A tribal leader was formed from every community
Ruto -Kalenjins
Balala-Coast region
Ngilu- to influence the Kamba vote
A lot of emphasis went to personalities who commanded a tribal following.
Note the Luo, Luhya & Kalenjin are some of the major tribes in Kenya. With this kind of arrangement a sure victory was guaranteed.
Numbers matter in politics.
Within 5 years we had switched from parties to personalities.
What with the other side of the divide;
They did nothing to ease/undo that situation. They told their people
"All we need to do is vote in large numbers"
If almost all of us vote we are going to win.
So we were stuck there.
The large numbers vs the conglomeration of tribes.
No one can decide who won.
Suddenly every one felt a need to identify/align themselves with their tribal leader. It became obvious that if you were tribe X you most probably supported one party.
While there is nothing essentially wrong with identifying with a tribal leader there is something wrong with hate speech. We did emails/forwards/leaflets chastitising another tribe. Nobody is innocent.
The truth is a president is not a president of a tribe.
Budgetary allocations are done and approved in parliament. It is foolhardy and destroying to convince people that all their ills exist because of a tribe. There is one thing i know, unless we all wake up and decide our destiny nobody in power will do it for us.
Politicians exist for self. And no time has it been clear than now.
How does killing a member of community X forward your community's agenda.
It is our Members of parliament who have brought us down. They refuse to shape the country when in parliament but during campaign time use the same inefficiencies that we could be having to create hate amongst the people.


  1. well said GITM-"its our members of parliament that have" brought us down"-true, and "politicians exist for self" equally true
    on that first day of 10th parliament i honestly expected to see RO and MK physically going for each others throats and shouting "thief" at one another as 208 struggling colleagues held them back. I expected to see that because we see it in their followers our fellow kenyans who've allowed themselves to be divided by these dishonourables, so i was shocked when it didn't happen-who's fooling who here?they eat&drink the same food, sometimes even together, live in the best houses and collect the same huge payslip at the end of each month-why don't they wish the same for the people who elected them?
    the political elite disgust me-we can do without them and i remain polticially neutral and proudly kenyan

  2. Is it by accident or design that you have (conveniently) left out the fact that:

    1) The Pro-Constitution side was absolutely no better than those opposing it in using tribe as a bargaining factor
    2) That the Kikuyu and Meru too fronted their tribal leadership agenda that was just as absurd as what you have outlined above

    The fact of the matter is that there are no saints. Neither side is any better!

  3. An even better information was that the Nyumba of Mumbi was threatened if that constitution did not pass."

    That is what i said.

    Did you omit to read this by default or design?
    They did nothing to ease/undo that situation. They told their people

    "All we need to do is vote in large numbers"
    If almost all of us vote we are going to win.

  4. Gosh look you can elaborate further on what i said just don't make it look like i am justifying/villifying anyone.

  5. now here are talking .thats the kind of viewpont that makes sense to all across the divide.

  6. It's as sad as it is beautiful just how loyal and trusting the common mwananchi is of moneyed MPs and business leaders that come from their tribe.
