Sunday, September 09, 2007

figuring out

Sometimes you think you have everythn figured out. Just how you ar going to do somethng and how its gonna work you can even see it working.But then and again you are back to square one.

One day i went to the cyber having figurd out how i am going to print out some docs i was going to use in like 30 mins. This is the only cyber i can trust with my life, very reliable. All comps are full so i kept staring, pacing up and down like my company has declared losses and the share is going down by the second and then snooped at what people were surfing. One was on Yahoo mail, another one on and another one on doing all manner of searches. I was incensed. Here i was, with urgent document to print and these people were on basic websites. Now don't get me wrong, we all go to these websites. The one that got on my nerves was the one on hi5, gosh! he looked at every profile on the friends. It instantly made me swear not to ever visit hi5 again! I just imagined someone on the waiting list and i am on hi5, its not fair.

Anyway i am back to the same cyber. My shoulders are aching, last week was one of my busiest this year really, there is too much my shoulders can take. It reminds me of the saying weight on the shoulders.

I heard of this saying that internal beauty is overrated. I have never heard a truer sayin than that one . very few give a hoot about internal beauty, i know.

Lovely week


  1. pole madam...weight of the world...natumai itachujwa karibu...karibuni. alafu apo umenena...sio wengi hucheki internal pointa moja yangu kadi lazima utimie kabla ya miye kutupa mishale...lakini kuna ugumu vile waeza scope uyo mshi alafu baadaae unagundua sio vile ngumu kumtema...wajua?

  2. i was watching ‘i think I love my wife’ jana usiku and I can attest (courtesy of on ms. Kerry washington), outer beauty is way way underrated.
    Nway have a good and less hectic week. cheers

  3. i wanted to comment on the most recent post but can't see the 'comment' thingie

    anyway alcohol is good for your bones and initially your mind

    what else, maisha ni maisha. cheers and enjoy weekendi

  4. 3n hata wewe ulijipata kwa hiyo paradox huh


  5. Well, people get confused becos they have refused (or are too proud) to listen to the one person who knows real stuff; their maker. The prefer to listen to a Dr Phil. or Oprah and the others, rather than the Ancient of Days.
