Monday, May 22, 2006

Irony of our Love

Can we talk the same language?
Can we dance the same dance?
Can we share the same feelings?
Can we hear the same words?
Can we listen to our whispers?

Should be my strength be your weakness
Should be my laughter be a source of your pain?
Should my love leave you drained?
Should my tears be your joy?
Should that be?
The Irony of our love

Your love leaves me drained
Your laughter makes me sad
Your tears make me happy
Your words irks my ears
Your whispers I hear not
And that is
The irony of our love

We dance together
We eat together
We laugh together
We listen to each other
And that becomes
The irony of our love

My heart wanders for more
My body aches for your warmth
My ears want to listen
My mouth wants to speak
But I give in
To the irony of our love

When I smile
You pretend to smile
When I laugh
You pretend to share my laughter
When I know you are not smiling
When I know you would rather I cry

Cry I will
But my tears you will not see
Laugh I will
But my laughter you shall not hear
Whisper I will
But my whispers you will not hear
Until we are ready to stop
The irony of our love


  1. Aiya the second torments is here.
    Why is a strong love have to be irony I always wonder if there will be a time people in love will remain doing the stanza one.
    ooh gal come here(((Shi))) dont worry it will be ok sweetie u will get the one whom u speak the same language and do all together...

  2. Naks.,ooiyee. Next time i wont post a poem.

    Disclaimer: This is not about me. These are just random thoughts of a Kenyan put into a post. Maybe i felt that way a while now but not anymore.

    It is hard to post poems.

    Hugs accepted.

  3. Gurrl, you need to take a deep breath, chill out, take a step back. Envision yourself sitting at that keyboard crying out painful text onto the computer monitor. A waste of time which could have been better spent swimming in a cool pool, a waste of emotion vented out and dissipated into the anonymous internet jungle - emotion that could have been better spent smiling inwardly at daydreams of a delicious love affair.

    Thanks. But read disclaimer above. Maybe sometimes we need to put it in writing.

    I wish you could appreciate the writing. So many people feel like that sometimes.

  4. (((Shiro)))))
    I do appreciate the writing.
    There are only two things that can take my stress away, writing and ...erm cleaning up which symbolises clearing up the mind as well.

  5. saaary kamum...I saw what you did after what i said hapo mbele, tihihihi....woiii, you had me fooled kabisa! Kwanja after that emails for last week, me I thot..aiiiii!!


    Keeping well?

  6. Thanks Prou..hugs accepted.

    Writing helps a lot. Sana

    @KM, i deleted coz i prolly could get all the woiyees and i don't deserve them. Si i told you.

    I am good sana lakini.

  7. Hey Shiroh. Hope you feel better soon. I feel like writing one of those "memories are treasures no one can steal" lines but they all sound too cheesy. Keep your head up. Si you know you are a fantastic catch ;-)Now let's see that million dollar smile!

  8. what does one say after reading that.. God bless and be well :-)
